Recent Course Reviews

Course Information

Begin Your Education Journey
This course is designed to expand the knowledge of all levels of learners. Whether this is your first time holding an ultrasound probe or you are well versed, this class is designed to build and expand on your skills.

We offer 3-day classes, but understand that schedules are busy and it can be a challenge to learn everything at once. You may attend parts of classes if needed, but we request that you notify us in advance when registering at so we can make sure you have the best experience. However, you can only claim educational credits for the parts you attended.

Our classes are built to keep you engaged with experts in a fun and relaxing environment. It is important though to take the online component first to get the most complete experience.

CME Accredited
Our 3-day in-person course covers the fundamentals of using point of care ultrasound (POCUS) by reviewing and practicing common exams used in daily practice. Before attending the course, take our online modules that cover the content you need to know in advance to maximize your experience.

Learn in Advance
We want to maximize your time while you are at the live, in-person section of the course. Our in-person course is combined with our main online course that you can take in advance at your own pace and on your time. It is highly recommended that you take our online course in advance as the live, in-person portion is meant to be almost entirely hands-on practice in small groups.

Hands-On Learning
When learning how to perform ultrasound, hands-on practice is essential. Our live, in-person portion of the course is almost exclusively hands-on practice in small groups. Build confidence by spending time with our instructors as they help you become better at POCUS.

Course Layout

 Times Day 1 Topics Day 2 Topics Day 3 Topics
8 AM Ultrasound Basics Advanced Cardiac Biliary (Gallbladder)
9 AM Vascular Basics/DVT Fluid Assessment Appendix and SBO
10 AM Aorta and IVC Early Pregnancy Skin/Soft Tissue
11 AM Lungs Renal/Bladder Musculoskeletal
12 PM Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break
1 PM Basic Cardiac The RUSH Exam Airway Assessment
2 PM Abdomen Free Fluid Vascular Access
3 PM The eFAST Exam Needle Guidance
Admin Topics
4 PM Review Review Review

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Before Your Live Course

    • Instructions for Course

    • Learner Notification

  • 2

    After Your Live Course


  • How long does it take to complete the Portable Ultrasound Master Class?

    The Portable Ultrasound Master Class takes 20 hours to complete.

  • What desktop platforms are supported?

    Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

  • What mobile platforms are supported?

    iOS Safari: 11 and up, Chrome, and Samsung Internet.

  • What are the technical specifications required to run the online courses?

    The most recent version of a web browser listed above, Javascript enabled, PDF plugin, graphic and audio output capability, and broadband internet connection with a minimum speed of 5Mbps (recommended).

  • What are the requirements to complete a course?

    Each quiz and the final test require a passing grade of 80%. There is also a pre-course and post-course survey to help assess for growth in learning.

  • Who do I contact if I am needing support or help?

    Our site has a help area or you can contact us directly for help.

  • Who helped plan and develop the courses?

    Chip Lange and Yomi Olusanya planned and developed the courses.

  • Are there any disclosures?

    Both Chip Lange and Yomi Olusanya are part of Practical POCUS and are paid by them.

  • Is there any commercial support for the courses?

    This course is not commercially supported.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Ultrasound Basics

    Recognize how point of care ultrasound (POCUS) can be used in clinical settings, the basics of how to operate the device, review core concepts such as physics, and address common administrative topics.

  • Vascular Exams and Procedures

    Review the various vascular exams such as evaluating the aorta and IVC, identify pathology including DVTs and aortic aneurysms/dissections, as well as how to perform vascular access using POCUS.

  • Cardiac Exams

    Review the four main cardiac windows (parasternal long axis, parasternal short axis, apical, and subxiphoid) and how to apply them to various clinical scenarios.

  • Lung Exams

    Evaluate the lungs using POCUS and use the images obtained to assist in diagnosing a variety of clinical conditions.

  • Critical Care Exams

    Review both the eFAST and RUSH exams that are used in critically ill and injured patients in different clinical situations as well as identify how POCUS can be used in airway management.

  • Ocular Exams

    Diagnose a variety of pathologies using POCUS such as retained foreign body, lens dislocation, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, and retrobulbar hematoma.

  • Abdominal, Retroperitoneal, and Pelvic Exams

    Identify the various roles for POCUS to assess the genitourinary tract (including kidneys and bladder), obstetrics (primarily the first trimester), gallbladder, appendix, small bowel, and pylorus.

  • MSK and Soft Tissue Exams

    Evaluate the various roles of POCUS to access musculoskeletal (MSK) structures, the skin, and soft tissues.

  • Needle Guidance Procedures

    Assess the various roles that needle guidance improves with POCUS such as with vascular access, arthrocentesis, and nerve blocks.